Over the past year, one of our brothers in Christ has been in a life struggle with COVID-19. It destroyed both of his lungs and has required special equipment and skills just to keep him alive. As you might expect, this has involved and disrupted his entire family here in Springfield, Missouri.
This page will give instructions on how you can give to help this family. We are asking for your prayers and financial support as you feel led of the Lord to give. Thank You
1. Click on the "Give Now" button below
2. Click "sign in" then Create a giving account
3. Enter your information, create password and confirm password, click the register box.
4. Select one time gift or recurring gift
5. In the fund dropdown box select Mission Matthew
6. Enter the amount of your gift
7. Select method of payment, complete payment information
8. Select to save payment method if you are wanting a recurring gift
9. Submit
10. To print out giving record for tax purposes or your personal records, select history click export to PDF and print.