In the Book of Acts, "being sent to make disciples" means to actively go out and share the Gospel message with others, not just converting them to Christianity, but also actively teaching them to follow Jesus' teachings and live a life dedicated to him, essentially nurturing new believers into mature followers of Christ through ongoing instruction and fellowship within the community. That's what we mean by being "sent".
Paul Clark
In the “SENT” series, Pastor Paul walks through the book of Acts, showing how God began the movement known as his church. And in the process of seeing how the church was born, how it grew, and how it overcame fierce opposition, we receive fresh inspiration to join God on his mission today.
Paul Clark
The church at its inception was, essentially, a movement… a movement built around conviction that Jesus had died as the only Savior for sinners and that he had risen from the dead proving he was who he said he was; that he was the rightful Lord of the earth and all people everywhere were now commanded to repent and invited to come home to him.
Paul Clark
Two words jumped out at me in those 11 verses – and here’s the question: “What do we do in between the Resurrection and the Second Coming?” –
And here’s the two words – We wait and we witness --- between the wedding and the happily ever after --- we wait and we witness