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God is a builder - we are created in His Image - so we are all building something. This series is about building right. The reason people have such misery with life is that they attempt to build their lives on shaky ground. Their foundation is not solid. Remember the story of the man who built his house on sand? In Matt 7:26-27, it likens this man "unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it."

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Paul Clark


Do you see – God as your builder – He put His hard hat on—and He got dirty – He reached down to the dirty sin and despair that we live in – and He covered our sin with the precious blood of His only son… so you could be what He created or BUILT you to be…

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Paul Clark


God is the builder—and you are the instrument He uses to build…. You can’t have one without the other…. If God’s not the builder—your just swinging a hammer—If God is building something in your life—you have to be willing to let Him do it…

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Paul Clark


Because when the rain falls and the water rises and the winds blow – it won’t matter if you have granite countertops & gold toilets --- what matters is the foundation …

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Paul Clark


With all the negative news about the declining church—you might be tempted to plan the funeral --  You might think the enemy is winning – But Jesus is building His church – the gates of hell will not prevail – The church is as solid as the rock of revelation it’s built upon…

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Paul Clark


God is the builder—and you are the instrument He uses to build…. You can’t have one without the other…. If God’s not the builder—your just swinging a hammer—If God is building something in your life—you have to be willing to let Him do it…

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