What was God up to when he sent Jesus to this earth? Upgrading life, that's what. Through Jesus Christ he was offering to us life not just good, but better, not just full, but fuller. You're on the journey, as you live this life, he wants to offer you an upgrade. This is a gift too, but you must take advantage of it. And when you do, what a wonderful life it is.
Paul Clark
Because life is not found in pleasure, performance, possessions, position, or pursuits – It’s found in the person of Jesus Christ – and over and over Jesus says that He is the giver of life—the author of life
Paul Clark
We don’t live His Wonder-filled life because we’re not seeing what God is seeing – we’re not sitting where God is sitting – He sits high and looks low – and when you sit high you have a different vantage point.. God has plans for us
Paul Clark
Someone said --- “when you're faithful with what's right here, you'll end up at the right there.” Humans plan their purposes, but God directs the steps.
Paul Clark
We’re talking about bringing a friend to Jesus – Using our influence to transform our culture – bringing people to Jesus --- Lets use the word FAITH – and see how these four guys in Mark chapter 2 brought their friend to Jesus
Paul Clark
So what do you do when the ideal collides with the REAL – and we want to know how you go from “There goes my life” – to – “It’s a wonderful life” – Joseph helps us with that –
Paul Clark
That’s what a mountaintop experience should do for all of us……….We go to work different - We go to the - construction site different- We go to school different - Our homes are different - Our hearts are different