This is the purpose of the book of Hebrews: that we might grow older and more mature as followers of Christ and as a result we see our Lord as much bigger than we did before. Come with us on this journey through the book of Hebrews and lets see the GREATNESS of Jesus. He is superior to everything. Nothing in all of creation is more important or GREATER or above Him.
Paul Clark
And lots of people ask – WHY? --- why is He greater than all the other religions of the world? Why is He greater than what I can do on my own?
Why is Jesus greater? – and it’s a good question……..
Paul Clark
​The Jews had their own legends --- in fact in Hebrews chapter 11 – it’s all about the legends of the Jews – it’s kind of a who’s who list for them…………
Paul Clark
Why and how Jesus is Greater than all the spirits and all the angels and all the demons and all the false beliefs that there are in the world
Paul Clark
And so the author of Hebrews wants to remind them of how Jesus is greater than Heros……..so he brings in the greatest hero of them all – to remind us Jesus is greater
Paul Clark
You can overcome temptation – because you have a relationship with Jesus – Because Scripture says – He was tempted in every way we have – and He did not sin…….
Paul Clark
When Jesus came to earth – He gave up – sacrificed his position of glory – He didn’t come to this mess of a world wearing purple robes of majesty – He left his position of honor in heaven – in order to live a life of submission
Paul Clark
It’s not God’s plan for us to live in a rut – in fact everything about our relationship with God is designed for us to grow, and develop, and mature
Paul Clark
Jesus is greater than broken promises – And the author of Hebrews—wants us to have confidence that God is a promise keeper—and He has better things for you
Things that accompany salvation – I’m confident – he said – your going to make it – your going to go on to maturity --- your going to inherit the promises……
Paul Clark
I’m convinced that God is speaking to you about – HOPE – Hope for your country Hope for your family Hope for your job situation Hope for an answer to this mess in our world - So – today – we’re going to talk about being anchored in HOPE --- Because Jesus is greater than our uncertainty
Paul Clark
Jesus wants to change our hearts – transform us from the inside out – the Old Covenant couldn’t do that – but this New Covenant that Jesus brings is written on our hearts……..
Paul Clark
This is where you say – religion doesn’t work Look at this – they’re going to all this trouble – wearing the right clothes – showing up at the right time – washing themselves – bringing the right animals for sacrifice – doing everything like their supposed to- but none of it was able to clear the conscience of the worshiper
Paul Clark
There’s no time to waste --- You and I should be living like God is doing what we’re believing and expecting for – WHY? – because you have a divine appointment with God -Everyone dies – Everyone dies once – Everyone dies on time – And Everyone will stand before God and give an account…………….
Paul Clark
I showed up today to tell you - you have strength in struggle. You can say that – because Jesus is greater than your struggles……….. That's what the writer of Hebrews is telling us this morning……..
Paul Clark
The context is about COMMUNITY – not just any community – but missional community – being the church that spurs one another on to love and good works
Paul Clark
Can I remind you of who you are – because of whose you are………everything was given to you – the blood of Jesus was shed for you—to show your worth – And He wants us to respond by faith – to live by faith – to walk by faith
Paul Clark
In the book of Hebrews we have an unfolding story of faith in Jesus Christ – and today we’re going to see one small detail in that story – that absolutely makes the story of Faith remarkable……
Jesus is greater – and judgment is coming to those who desert Him
Let me say it like this – a believer who abandons the faith will face the temporal discipline of God
Paul Clark
It’s good to remember when we’re looking at a chapter like this – filled with great people – we need to remind ourselves that they are not perfect – and in spite of their shortcomings – God still uses them – and the Bible doesn’t hide the failures of great people
Paul Clark
The author uses a race metaphor – and it’s not so much how fast you run this race – the goal is to finish…. It’s about perseverance and endurance - and your going to need that to successfully follow Christ…
Paul Clark
Jesus said – to abide in Him—and He would abide in us – it’s the same word – TO CONTINUE - persevere – continue in love….. ‘ This is a love that loves to love – “continue” – “keep it up” – “don’t stop” – And Jesus doesn’t give us any wiggle room on this