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Mother's Day 2021 - The Home of Jesus

Matthew 2:11                                                                  

(This message is online at: - Use this listening guide as you watch the video worship services online. This will also have questions you can use with your connect group.

11  On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

Jesus said: “In order to enter His Kingdom - we have to become like _________________________________

Jesus even said: “Let the children ___________________________…”



Mom’s you get to _______________________ the love of Christ –


#1 Mom, you are clothed with strength and dignity and have been a fierce role model for me. You are loved and appreciated more than you could ever know. I love you, mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

#2 God blessed me when He knitted me together in your womb. Thank you for being the best mother I could ever wish for. I pray that He keeps you in good health and fortune all the days of your life. I love you, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!

#3 Mom, thank you for raising me to have Jesus in my heart and walk a Christian walk in my life. Thank you for teaching me to be kind, gentle, and devoted. You are beautiful, but also have an unfading inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day.

#4 Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for guiding me down God’s path for my life. I love you more than you know. I pray that our Savior protects you today and always. You’re a blessing to me and a guiding light in my life.


If you had an unlimited gift card to any one restaurant, which one would you choose??

APPLY THE Scripture : READ  Eph. 6:1   Why are you to obey your parents? (6:1) In verse 2, Paul writes to “Honor” your father and mother. What does honor mean? ?

Q1— What 2 things did the Magi do that showed that they saw Jesus as a king and Messiah worthy of worship? ?

Q2—. Why is the baby Jesus mentioned first in connection with His mother? ( Matthew 2:11, 13-14, 20-21) ?

Q3—    Read verses 11-12. What did the Magi do when they found Jesus? Why must people seek and find the one worthy of worship? Why were they so joyful? What can we learn from them? ?

Q4—  What is at least one thing another family member does that makes you feel loved? ?


· - Take time to discuss your family’s favorite verses in the Bible. Decide on a “theme” verse for your family. Have someone copy it or type it on a piece of paper. Place the verse in several locations through out the house to remind you of your family’s commitment to God. Joshua 24:14-15

·  TALK ABOUT Children are to obey their parents, and parents are to treat their children in such a way that the children will want to obey.

, _________________________, commit myself to passing along God’s priorities for my children. I agree that this will be no lip-service commitment, but will give my all in seeing that my children come to know Christ as their personal Savior, that they love and obey Him, that they learn His values from my life, and that they understand Jesus has first place in my life. I will make every effort to please Jesus first by giving myself to Him in salvation and service and in Christian growth and maturity. I understand that I am not alone in this endeavor because the Lord is my Helper and Comforter, and He has given me a church who will pray for me and aid me in times of need.

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