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God is good at resets – He specializes in resetting.. and aren’t you glad….

  • He has a default setting for your life – He designed you—He made you—He made you with some factory settings. This RESET we’re talking about is not finding  a NEW NORMAL – This is about finding a RENEWED NORMAL  - So we’re going to look at what Jesus says are the default settings of the church …. And we’re going to ask God to RESET us to a renewed normal…

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Paul Clark


the Holy Spirit takes what’s dead and barren --- and breathes life into it…..  That’s what God has always intended for His church – alive – full of life in the Holy Spirit……

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Paul Clark


this is going to be Normal for you. You will be My witnesses - this is an expectation - this is who you are. He's describing what's normal for His church - and normal is - you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea & Samaria, and to the whole world

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Paul Clark


this is going to be Normal for you. You will be My witnesses - this is an expectation - this is who you are. He's describing what's normal for His church - and normal is - you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea & Samaria, and to the whole world

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Paul Clark


Jesus said this – “Go make disciples” – help people become followers of Christ………..

…………Hasn’t that always been God’s plan – reconciling the world unto Himself…

Our task is to lead people into the right relationship with God…..

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Paul Clark


  • Be captivated – Be motivated – Be activated by THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD

Instead of trying to control your own life – give yourself fully into His control……….

……..give Him control of your life – to be filled with the Spirit

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Paul Clark


So it’s the Word of God that does the Work of God – by the Spirit of God – in the lives of the people of God…   The Apostles – let the text speak for itself – Here’s a question – do you believe in the power of the text more than the personality of the teacher? 

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Paul Clark


That word “fellowship” – is one of the most over-used words—and under valued words in the Christian vocabulary. So – if you put all those meanings together – you discover that “fellowship” is sharing the life of Jesus Christ – it’s not just a social gathering

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Paul Clark


One of the things about miracles is:  They point outward – They point to God’s compassion to those who are in need. Here’s a place that the church needs a RESET – we are called to the ministry of compassion – We’re called to the people who are unlike us – 

One of the things about miracles is:  They point outward – They point to God’s compassion to those who are in need
Here’s a place that the church needs a RESET – we are called to the ministry of compassion – We’re called to the people who are unlike us – 

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Paul Clark


So – here’s a question – What kind of people does God use?  -- you might be thinking He only uses the Extraordinary people – the blue ribbon people – charismatic people – talented people – you know the “star quarterback” – and “the female lead of the play”   God prefers to use ordinary people…………  and that makes us all prime candidates…….

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Paul Clark


“The tighter that you hold on to the gospel of Jesus Christ – the looser you will hold on to the things of this world.” This was the norm in the early church – this is the default setting of the church – This is how the church is supposed to function

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Paul Clark


The only reason – this passage rocks our world – is because we haven’t figured out how HOLY GOD IS  - and our sin hurts the heart of God – and the only reason we’re alive is the grace of God and the mercy of God

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Paul Clark


Don't stop--church we get to continue what Jesus began.

- This Life gives JOY that is unshakeable

-This Life brings PEACE that is unimaginable

-This Life is a walk with HOPE that is unbreakable

-Living this Life makes the CHURCH unstoppable.



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Paul Clark


So you have a gift or gifts – a talent – a God given ability – all the things that make you uniquely you – for the purpose of serving the body – and the quicker you get in that seat undistracted—the healthier we will be



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Paul Clark


“God uses people who are faithful, determinded and committed--Like Stephen - to wait on tables - to walk through the doors He opens - to fill in the blank -- God is calling me to the minisry of ______________


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Paul Clark


So your decisions have distance – they move you – and your decisions have direction – they move you somewhere specific…. Good or bad – right or wrong

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Paul Clark


Don't If we're going to reset to a renewed normal - this is it - this is our default setting......The modern church can be guilty of hiding -- keeping this gospel to ourselves.


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Paul Clark


That's why Acts chapter 8 is gong to be a revelation to you today - It's going to challenge you - It might even scare you a bit........because our well ordered, rational, logical minded, scripted schedule - keeps us from the Great Adventure that God has planned for us.... 


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Paul Clark


They just had an overwhelming zeal--and everywhere they went they had Gospel Conversations - Antioch was where life had taken them--but Antioch is where God planned to use them.....



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